How quickly does hair grow? | Abingdon | Didcot | Wantage | Oxfordshire
Opening in 2018, our space is now one of the busiest. Our creative team are celebrated for their signature haircuts, hair colour, perms, blowdries and more.
CALL: 01235 534705
EMAIL: [email protected]
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How quickly does hair grow? In Abingdon
Hair growth is a subject which eludes a lot of people. If you can master the rate of your hair growth, it can greatly support your ongoing hair maintenance particularly if you’re looking to routinely stick to a hair appointments or you’re seeking to grow your hair out, understanding your growth will be of much assistance. For many, while it may seem like hair grows slowly, there is a science behind the process and a typical average.
In our daily blog we explore how hair grows, whether the commonly cited figures are realistic, and what factors influence hair growth can help manage expectations and optimise hair care routines.
For more information visit our ladies haircut service page. Finally, if you’re new to the salon and not sure how to get the most value from your next appointment, need a consultation or would value a conversation before booking, call or send a WhatsApp message on 01235 534705.

Hair Growth FAQ's
How quickly does hair grow?
On average, the science behind hair growth and average rates is fairly conclusive. It too doesn’t vary much at all between hair type or texture however there is a small difference in gender. On average hair grows about half an inch per month, which equates to around six inches per year. Other contributing factors alongside gender are age, genetics, health and lifestyle factors.
To understand our hair, hair grows in cycles consisting of the anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting) phases. The anagen phase, where active growth occurs, can last between two to seven years, meaning that the potential maximum length of hair is largely determined by genetics.
Do stylists think the science is realistic?
It’s important to recognise that 0.5 inches of hair growth isn’t an exact measurement for every person. For example curly hair (whilst it does grow at a comparable rate), can be misleading as growth is often disguised by curls yet it is an objective measurement for hair growth. As your Stylist gets to know you, they will understand how much your hair grows every few months and in this instance familiarity is supportive.
In some cases 0.5 inches of hair growth might be deemed to be inconsistent, yet over a larger sample size it is a fairly accurate representation for most clients. Individual cases will also show that some people experience faster growth, while others feel their hair “never grows.” In reality, hair is growing, but factors like breakage, split ends, and poor hair health can present the illusion that it doesn’t. We often see it with client with hair colour citing that hair doesn’t surpass a certain length and therefore isn’t growing when in reality it is growing, it’s just not gaining any length. Regular haircuts, proper hydration, and a healthy hair care routine are essential to maintaining length and thickness over time.
Is there anything that can speed up hair growth?
Yes and no. There isn’t a miracle cure for speeding up the rate of hair growth, however there are things which can support your hair growth and make incremental differences. A healthy and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly biotin, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, can contribute to healthy hair growth. Another item which often gets overlooked is your scalp health. Massaging your scalp stimulates blood circulation, which is integral for your hair. There is also a case to be made for limiting your exposure to straighteners, hair dryers and other forms of heat styling. Here’s more information about whether you can actually make your hair grow faster.
Do regular haircuts help?
This is the least exciting answer and many will roll their eyes when reading this. Regular haircuts are the single most important component for hair health. Regular haircuts are essential for growing long, healthy hair and establishing a routine is critical to the success of hair growth. The science shows that hair grows approximately 1.5 inches over three months, but in that time, split ends can develop, leading to breakage. If split hairs are left to regress, these split ends continue to travel up the hair shaft, making the hair weaker and causing your hair overall to appear thinner. Many people complain that their hair ‘won’t grow past a certain length’, but this is often due to breakage rather than a lack of growth. Regular haircuts every three months (consider four times annually) is a worst case scenario yet highly influencial to achieving healthy, thicker and consistent hair from root to ends.
Considering that hair grows at an average rate of half an inch each month, and while this isn’t exact for every person, over a larger sample size this is shown to represent the ‘average’ person. So while 0.5 inches each month isn’t representative of every single hair type, it is a supportive measurement for most clients and this can really help your next hair salon visit for gauging expectations and getting the most from your next appointment. Away from the salon the introduction of a healthy diet, scalp care (massaging in particular) and limiting heat styling are the obvious starting points for success. Regular haircuts to prevent breakage are the most critical component for your longer-term healthy hair.
If you are feeling lost in what could work best for you, leave it to us. Our consultations work through any question you might have, logistics and we too make recommendations based upon your lifestyle and hair type.
Opening in 2018, our space is now one of the busiest. Our creative team are celebrated for their signature haircuts, hair colour, perms, blowdries and more.
CALL: 01235 534705
EMAIL: [email protected]
Opening Times
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4:30 pm
Want to know more about hair growth?
Complete the below and a staff member will contact you at the earliest opportunity with further information about how we can help you with your hair extensions appointment. Any questions, call or send a WhatsApp to the salon on 01235 534705 or book your appointment online.
Want to know more about how quickluy hair grows?
As one of the best hair salons in Oxfordshire, we would love to discuss your plans with you! To book your hair appointment or consultation, get in touch with Wisteria Avenue Hair Salon by booking online or calling us on 01235 534705.
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