Wisteria Avenue


All you need to know about a crew cut | Abingdon | Didcot | Wantage | Oxfordshire

Opening in 2018, our space is now one of the busiest. Our creative team are celebrated for their signature haircuts, hair colour, perms, blowdries and more.

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new-post EMAIL: [email protected]

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All you need to know about a Crew cut in Abingdon

The crew cut has been around for years. It hasn’t changed much in that time and for one very good reason: it’s still universally liked! Globally it’s one of the most popular men’s hairstyles and the easiest. It’s a barbers go-to and for clients it’s easy to maintain, easy to style and whilst it does have its limitations, it’s the obvious choice if you seek something almost as low maintenance as a buzzcut (one length all over).

The crew haircut is clean and suits most face shapes and almost every hair type. For men in Oxfordshire considering a crew cut for the first time, our blog will give you everything you need to know about a crew cut, including your options, the pros and cons, and whether a crew cut is right for you.

If you’re looking for a new haircut, then our mens haircut service page could help you. It’s also worth mentioning if you are suffering from thinning hair, a receding hairline or baldness try our mens hair systems a non-surgical option. Finally, for the best haircuts of 2024, here are our top tips.

Crew Haircut FAQ's

What is a crew haircut?

A crew cut is a short, neat hairstyle where the hair on the top of the head is kept slightly longer than the sides and back. The hair gradually tapers (meaning it goes from short, gradually getting longer towards the top), creating a sharp haircut. Critically, the crew cut leaves some length on the top, keeping it short on the sides. So when clients request a ‘short back and sides’, they are effectively asking for a version of a crew cut.

The crew cut dates back almost 100 years starting out with close associations to sports (in particular rowing hence the term ‘crew’) and overtime military due to its sharp and low maintenance appearance.

The choice of who cuts your next crew cut is a difficult one. Barbers and hair salons carry pros and cons. If you aren’t sure, check our our barbers vs hair salons blog

What are your options for a crew cut?

  • Classic Crew Cut: The classic crew cut is what you see most of the time. It’s what your local barbers will effect with many clients and the easy and most obvious crew cut that you will see. This features your standardised short hair on top and even shorter sides. The top is typically left about 1-2 inches long, while the sides are tapered gradually using clippers. It’s considered neat, formal, and low-maintenance, making it a popular choice for a lot of men.
  • Short Crew Cut: If you hadn’t guessed this is just a shorter version of the classic crew with less length on top and in most cases just as, if not even shorter on the sides! This is a no-frills haircut and heavily weighted if you want convenience.
  • Textured Crew Cut: Texture basically translates as something different. It’s really effective if you want a slightly messier look. Some might describe it as added flair to the cut. This is just a messier version of the classic crew with more left on top. It’s great too if you want movement however it does require slightly more styling though it does offer more options.
  • Crew Cut w/ Fade: A fade translates as starting short on the back and sides before getting longer towards the top.
  • Facial Hair: If you are lucky enough to grow a healthy beards, facial hair can look great. Our blog post on short facial hair can support you.

Pros of a Crew Haircut

  • Easy to style: Generally speaking even a textured crew (requiring slightly more maintenance) is still considered a very easy to style haircut. The crew cut on the whole is easy to manage, easy to style and products are very accessible.
  • Professional: In a professional setting you won’t look out of place with a crew cut. It works well in a suit and just as adept if you were out socially.
  • Hot Weather!: This one goes under the radar and is largely often understated, however in hot weather there aren’t any better haircut options. Longer hair can be painful in warmer climates, so if you are holidaying and want something easy, a crew cut is a solid choice.

Cons of getting a Crew Haircut

  • Styling: The crew cut has lots of positives however some may consider it to have too many limitations. Due to the lack of length on top, there’s not huge amounts you can do with shorter cuts. That being said, if your concern is lack of styling, texture on top and a face on the back and sides can work really well if you want to be more experimental.
  • Shape: This really does depend on how relaxed you are and how much you value a sharp cut. In many cases our clients opt for shorter styles, reap the benefits for 6 weeks and allow it to grow before returning for a next haircut. If you struggle with thinning hair, this might help. Broadly speaking the crew haircut when cut shorter does require a higher volume of appointments.

Conclusion - is a Crew Haircut right for you?

The crew cut is a classic cut and perfect for men who want a clean, low-maintenance style. If you want to be more experimental then texture and/or a fade can prove really effective. Whilst styling options are limited, the cut is a safe option and can be effective with most hair types and face shapes. The key takeaway being that if you want something professional then you won’t go far wrong.

Before making a firm decision on your next haircut, consider your hair type, face shape, and lifestyle. If you’re ready for a change, book a consultation with your hairdresser to discuss the best approach for your hair. For more information, call Wisteria Avenue or send us a WhatsApp. Mobile users can scroll up to hit ‘Send a WhatsApp’.


💭 Thinking about an all over colour?... If you're transitioning from highlights, balayage or with bleach already in your hair... HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! ✋ Applying a tint directly to turn will turn your hair into lots of different colours!... BUT THERE IS A BETTER WAY!... 😎 Check out our video below with Anya for a cleaner and consistent all over colour! 👇 If you have any questions about pre-pigmentation and tints, let us know! #Hair #Hairdressers #Hairdresser #HairSalon #Salon #HairColour #Colour #ColourCorrection #HairColourCorrection #PrePig #PrePigment #PrePigmentation #Highlights #Balayage #AllOverColour #OneColour #Tint #Abingdon #Didcot #Wantage #Oxford #Oxfordshire

♬ original sound - Wisteria Avenue Hair Salon

Opening in 2018, our space is now one of the busiest. Our creative team are celebrated for their signature haircuts, hair colour, perms, blowdries and more.

📞 CALL: 01235 534705
new-post EMAIL: [email protected]

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Want to know more about a crew cut?

Complete the below and a staff member will contact you at the earliest opportunity with further information about a crew cut. Any questions, call or send a WhatsApp to the salon on 01235 534705 or book your appointment online.

Crew Cut Consultations

For the best Crew Haircuts in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, we would love to discuss your plans with you! To book your hair appointment or consultation, get in touch with Wisteria Avenue Hair Salon by booking online or calling us on 01235 534705.

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Our Latest Hair Trends Blog

Our hair trends blog looks at the latest hairdressing trends, hair styles, hair colours, gents haircuts, ladies haircuts, perms, seasonal styles and much, much more!

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