Wisteria Avenue

Valentines Day Hair

February 14th is Valentine’s Day. At Wisteria Avenue, our Abingdon hairdressers are experts in creating the perfect Valentines ready hair! 

Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to show your love and celebrate with your special someone. While you’re planning your outfit and makeup for the romantic evening, don’t forget about your hair! The right hairstyle can complement your look and make you feel confident and beautiful. In this blog post, we’ll explore some fabulous hairstyles that will leave a lasting impression on your Valentine’s Day date. As trusted Abingdon hairdressers, we’re here to inspire you with our top hairstyle suggestions for this romantic occasion.

For more information on hair advice, our helpful balayage tips might help. Alternatively, check out our other blog posts for more.

Hair Colour

Hair colour is the perfect option for Valentines!

Our Abingdon Hair Stylists are hair colour experts. For subtlety, a balayage is a great option for a first time hair colour whilst embracing your natural colour.

For existing highlighted hair, the option of a toner will help refresh and replenish colour quickly without the need to book for a full appointment of highlights or balayage.

On Valentine’s Day, your hairstyle plays a crucial role in completing your overall look and boosting your confidence. Whether you prefer romantic curls, chic updos, half-up, half-down styles, sleek and straight hair, or romantic upgraded ponytails, our Abingdon hairdressers are here to help you achieve the perfect Valentine’s Day hairstyle. Visit our Abingdon hair salon and let our talented stylists work their magic, ensuring you look and feel amazing on this special day of love.

Remember, the right hairstyle is a reflection of your personality and can make a significant impact on your Valentine’s Day celebration. Enjoy experimenting with different looks and embrace the opportunity to impress your loved one with your stunning hairstyle.

Hair Styling

Our Abingdon hairdressers offer styling options including blow drys.

Whether it’s a straight look, waves, curls or something different, our Hair Stylists account for face shape, personal style, wardrobe, likes and dislikes.

Valentines doesn’t need to be a drag this year. Leave the styling choices up to us!