Wisteria Avenue

We offer all new and returning clients a free hair consultation!

Complete the below form to claim and member of the team will follow up shortly to help you find a suitable appointment!

What do I do next?

Enter your details and we will follow up with you shortly. If you’d prefer to book your appointment online without the help of a Stylist, visit our bookings page and enter more details about your desired looking the comment section when booking online. * Terms Apply.


1. Introduce Yourself!

Complete the form (right). Let us know who you are and how we can help!

If you can’t wait for us to make contact, book your next colour appointment online and apply the code ‘WIS50‘ in the comment section of your booking.


2. A Huge Welcome!

Sit back and we’ll contact you as soon as we can to discuss some options as soon as possible.

Ensure you have your availability to hand. We will schedule some dates that work for you!

Can’t wait? Call or WhatsApp message the salon on 01235 534705.

3. We’ll Discount Your Booking!

Let us do the rest. Once booked, we’ll deduct 50%* off your hair colour appointment.